If you are new to Dallas, a first time or regular visitor to MACC, "We Welcome You!" We hope you find this site helpful, inspiring and instructive. We are honored with the privilege of ministering to you and look forward to knowing you.
9:00 AM - Bible Classes
10:00 AM - Children Nursery
Wednesday Bible Study
7:00 PM - MACC YouTube Channel
Matthew 26:45-56
Please click on the video below to hear the latest message.
MACC provides a variety of opportunities for you to conveniently fellowship with others, grow in the Word of God and use your spiritual gifts to serve the body of Christ.
We would love to have you join us in fellowship at one of our events here at MACC. Click below to see the various opportunities on our church calendar.
We would like to provide members of the body of Christ with a convenient and secure way to give back to God.
Have a question? We’re here to help. Send us a message and we’ll be in touch.
Church Information
2431 S. Marsalis Avenue
Dallas, TX 75216
Phone: 214-941-2531
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Sunday School Classes
9:00 am
Sunday Worship
10:00 am (Livestream YouTube)
Connection Groups
3rd Sunday @ 4:00 pm
Wednesday Virtual Bible Study
7:00 pm (MACC YouTube Channel)