2431 S. Marsalis Avenue
Dallas, TX 75216



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As we age, our physical abilities often become more limited. Along with moving slower, we may also experience slower thinking and information processing. Aging frequently requires more assistance, and you may find yourself in the role of a caregiver. As a spouse or child, caregiving can be challenging, especially if you’re in the "sandwich generation," caring for both your children and your parents simultaneously. It’s crucial to care for yourself while you care for others. Below are some self-care tips for caregivers:

  • Prioritize Your Relationship With God. God provides the perspective you need as a caregiver. Let Him care for you while you care for others, granting you strength, grace, and mercy (Isaiah 40:28-31).
  • Accept Help From Others. Assess the support you need and communicate it clearly. Family, friends, state agencies, senior centers, and your church community can assist with tasks like grocery shopping or preparing meals. Allow others to minister to you, and ask God to guide you in finding the right helpers.
  • Remember That This Is A Temporary Season. Knowing that this phase won’t last forever can give you hope.
  • Cherish The Moments. Use this time to honor your parents and show love to your spouse.
  • Don’t Neglect Your Other Relationships. Be intentional with your time. Continue to date your spouse, love your children, and stay in touch with friends.
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