Please sign up if you or your family needs counseling.
When cell phones were first introduced, they were used solely for making and receiving calls when away from home. Today, however, they are smartphones—supercomputers that we rely on for navigation, music, banking, texting, photography, entertainment, social media, and more. Ironically, when we do receive a call, we often send it to voicemail and respond via text. For many, this tool of convenience has become a necessity of life, alongside food, clothing, and shelter. The starting age for children owning smartphones is also becoming younger, with many receiving them in elementary or middle school.
Parents are concerned about their children’s safety, often teaching them about "stranger danger" and rehearsing emergency protocols. Yet many parents fail to monitor their child's phone activity, unintentionally exposing them to harmful influences online. Unfiltered access to technology can introduce children to inappropriate content, harmful individuals, and destructive ideas.
Parents should prioritize their child’s cyber safety as much as their physical safety. While some parents hesitate to invade their child’s privacy, the priority is protecting their child's heart. God has entrusted parents with the responsibility of leading their children in faith (Deuteronomy 6:1-3; Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4). Here are some ways to safeguard your child’s online experience:
Church Information
2431 S. Marsalis Avenue
Dallas, TX 75216
Phone: 214-941-2531
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Sunday School Classes
9:00 am
Sunday Worship
10:00 am (Livestream YouTube)
Connection Groups
3rd Sunday @ 4:00 pm
Wednesday Virtual Bible Study
7:00 pm (MACC YouTube Channel)