I hereby grant Marsalis Avenue Church of Christ permission to use videos and photographs of my image and likeness in any of their web-based publications, print advertisements, social media, organization bulletin, event videos, and any Marsalis Avenue Church of Christ, whether digital or print.
I hereby affirm that such release to Marsalis Avenue Church of Christ does not constitute any compensation to my benefit, including royalties arising from the photographs and or videos.
I understand and agree that photographs and videos in the Marsalis Avenue possession shall become Marsalis Avenue property. I hereby waive my right to inspect or approve the photographs by which my likeness appears.
I hereby hold harmless, release, and forever dischargeMarsalis Avenue Church of Christ from all claims, demands, and causes of action which I, my heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on my behalf or behalf of my estate have or may have because of this authorization.
Church Information
2431 S. Marsalis Avenue
Dallas, TX 75216
Phone: 214-941-2531
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Sunday School Classes
9:00 am
Sunday Worship
10:00 am (Livestream YouTube)
Connection Groups
3rd Sunday @ 4:00 pm
Wednesday Virtual Bible Study
7:00 pm (MACC YouTube Channel)