Please sign up if you or your family needs counseling.
The church should be a place of vision—spiritual vision rooted in the gospel truth that God is at work in every believer's life. Vision is about realizing who we can become and responding to the heart's cry, "Believe in me!"
The church accepts people as they are but believes in what they can be through God. The goal is for us to be presented complete in Christ (Colossians 1:28), with the vision that all Christ-followers reflect His character. The church's mission is not to make people disciples of themselves but disciples of Christ.
Many individuals have never had others believe in them, often feeling the world is against them. This creates a sense of needing to prove worth. But the church should be a place of encouragement, where we share a common vision and support each other rather than compete. We are on the same team with the same goal.
The gospel and the treasures Christ has placed in us shape the vision of who we can be. Our belief in ourselves and others is not based on human ability, but on the power of God. We believe in others because we know God is at work in their lives, just as He is in ours.
Imagine the impact when the church fully embraces God's vision for transformation. As we accept others, they will feel welcome in the place where change happens. We believe in their potential because we know the God who works in us can work mightily in them too.
Church Information
2431 S. Marsalis Avenue
Dallas, TX 75216
Phone: 214-941-2531
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Sunday School Classes
9:00 am
Sunday Worship
10:00 am (Livestream YouTube)
Connection Groups
3rd Sunday @ 4:00 pm
Wednesday Virtual Bible Study
7:00 pm (MACC YouTube Channel)